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Local attorney on challenge to mask mandates in schools
Attorneys to file lawsuit challenging DeSantis' ban on mask mandates in schools
Lawyer challenges legality of Northampton Public Schools’ temporary mask mandate
Court hearing on lawsuit challenging Gov. Ron DeSantis' school mask mandate ban
School superintendent on mask mandates and legal challenge to state's ban on such mandates
Kentucky Attorney General challenges Beshear's mask mandate for schools
Judge Dismisses Local Group's Lawsuit Challenging State's School Mask Mandate
Florida judge hears challenge of DeSantis’ school mask-mandate ban
Judge won’t dismiss suit on Florida school mask mandate ban
School superintendent on mask mandates and legal challenge to state's ban on such mandates
Legality Of DeSantis Defunding Schools Due To Mask Mandates
Judge hears motion to dismiss lawsuit challenging Gov. DeSantis' school mask mandate ban